YOU make us better! Join our DREAM TEAM!
Our Dream Team is our group of Volunteers who make things happen at Anthem. God has given all of us unique gifts and talents and it is with those gifts that we have the opportunity at Anthem to follow Jesus’s example to love and serve one another and help build His Kingdom. Whether leading a kid’s or youth group or welcoming our guest in the parking lot, all our service matters to God.
If you are new to Anthem, or have been attending for a few months, we would love for you to join one of our ministry teams! Explore the opportunities below and take the first steps to get on our Dream Team.
For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Mark 10:45

First Impressions & Guest Services
Whether out in front greeting or behind the scenes setting the environments, there is a place for you. If this is your first time serving at Anthem, First Impressions or Guest Services is a great place to start, as we welcome guests to feel at ease and at home each and every weekend.
Opportunities to serve on our team include: Parking Patrol, Greeters, Ushers, and Hospitality.
This ministry serves the kids and families of Anthem by creating safe and engaging environments in which kids can learn to grow closer to Jesus at any age!
Opportunities to serve on our team include: Kids Check-in, Small Group Leader, Large Group Teacher/ Host, Worship, and midweek Curriculum Prep.
This ministry exists to walk alongside Middle High and High School students as they develop their own authentic faith and equip them to share it with their friends.
Opportunities to serve on our team include: Sunday morning or Wednesday night Leader, and Resource Volunteer (events, check-in and set-up).
This ministry helps adults, youth and kids experience an engaging worship service each week.
Opportunities to serve on our team include: Running lights, slides, sound, and more.
This ministry is responsible for providing security and medical services in order to create and maintain a safe and welcoming environment, protecting life and property, and responding to incidents in partnership with our public safety partners.
Opportunities to serve on our team include: Weekend, Midweek, and Event safety and medical roles.
Whether through ensuring cleanliness or helping to maintain our church home there is a place for you. Join the Facilities team in ensuring a memorable and inspiring experience for every person, for first-time guests, and for those who have worshiped with us for years.
Opportunities to serve on our team include: event support, building beautification, and maintenance assistance.

Thank you so much for your desire to serve on our Dream Team at Anthem! Just give us a little information about you and we’ll place you on a team to begin serving.
Serving on Sundays is not only a way to get to know people and help the church, it is a form of worship. Every Sunday, the church gathers to worship together, serve each other, and live in light of the gospel. Each ministry plays a part in this practical preaching of the gospel at Anthem.